Culture Viewfinder's Mandate

Portugal has become the most exciting new cultural destination in Europe. Portugal’s historic charm and old-world traditions remain intact and are now joined by a dynamic array of modern design and art, from small galleries in former automotive garage bays, to the dramatic architecture of schools and institutions redefining industrial urban streetscapes, plus exceptional individual initiatives in retail and manufacturing that are revitalizing and rescuing heritage crafts, decorative arts and even the art of canning fish from the brink of extinction, plus setting the bar on design innovation.
Portugal through a Curatorial Lens, helps to define the Culture Viewfinder approach whose knowledgeable curatorial team create contemporary culture-directed experiences like no other. Encounter behind-the-scenes, exclusive access to public and private institutions, residences, design offices and culture mavens. Discover hidden gems and street art while walking through the urban neighbourhoods of Lisbon and Porto, as well as culturally significant destinations in regions further afield. Stay in atmospheric 4+5 star accommodation, eat and drink fabulous regional cuisine and wine.
Culture Viewfinder destinations vary and may include urban centres such Lisbon, and/or Porto, then pivot to focus on wine architecture with introductions to the wine, winemakers, architecture and gastronomy of the Douro Valley, the Dao, or Alentejo regions or the cultural destinations of Coimbra and environs, Serra da Estrela, the Atlantic Coast or the Algarve. Group size is limited to a maximum of 18 registrants + tour leaders, to ensure attention to detail and the richest immersive and intimate experience. Culture Viewfinder programs begin in Portugal (travel services such as airfare to or from Portugal and airport transfers are not included, however can be purchased separately either through our affiliated partners or independently). To view detailed itineraries and pricing for the upcoming programs visit www.cultureviewfinder.com and click the Discover Portugal heading. To read our informative BLOG click NEWS, and to subscribe to our mailing list click CONNECT.